The 2021 NICE K12 Cybersecurity Education Conference Conference has a robust Planning Committee consisting of constituents from Industry, Education, Non-Profit and Government organizations.
Oscar Aliaga - Associate Professor at University of South Florida
Dr. Oscar A. Aliaga is Associate Professor in the Career and Technical/Workforce Education program at the College of Education, University of South Florida. His work focuses on high school Career and Technical Education programs, including Cybersecurity. Prior to this position, he was the Career Pathways Coordinator for the Agency of Education in Vermont, where his main role was to develop a career pathways system for the K-12 educational system in the state. His work included the creation of a career pathway in cybersecurity that started in the Fall of 2020. He has been a Program Director and Research Associate with the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education, both at the University of Louisville and the University of Minnesota. He is the author of different publications.
Cori Araza -
Director of K12 STEM Outreach at Grand Canyon University
Cori Araza currently serves as the Director of K12 STEM Outreach for Grand Canyon University. After four years in software engineering, she taught in K12 schools where she led initiatives through Makerspace and technology education. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in technology and cognition to explore how a positive mindset and instructional support enhances school-wide behavior and learning.
Leigh Armistead - President at Peregrine Technical Solutions
Served on NICEK12 coordinating committee in 2020 and provided the only HS keynote speaker. Started the first cyber security Youth Registered Apprenticeship in the nation in 2019.
Susana Barraza - Program Manager at National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Susana Barraza is Program Manager for the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Prior to NICE, she served as the Student Personnel Assistant for the Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) STEM Equity and Success Initiative (SESI) Project at Sacramento City College. A program that seeks to increase the enrollment and success of Latina/o and economically disadvantaged students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs in their transition from high school to college and ultimately degree completion, transfer, and career opportunity.
Simi Basu - Enhancement Program Specialist at STEM School Highlands Ranch (CO)
I am an innovative industry experience educator in cybersecurity and computer science. I am responsible for identifying, developing and providing individual and group programs to support students and teachers in grades K-8 with asynchronous and synchronous opportunities in the field of Cybersecurity, Technology and problem based learning. The Enhancement Program at STEM seeks to infuse Cybersecurity Education and increased technology usage into our youngest learners, in order to prepare them for the future.
Fran Bromley-Norwood - Teacher at Clark County School District (NV)
Fran Bromley-Norwood is a Computer Science and Cybersecurity educator in the Clark County School District in Nevada, where she trains teachers and prepares Career and Technical Education students to be career ready for industry positions.
Terrance Campbell - President and CEO at YOUR Center; Teacher at Shelby County Schools (MI)
Terrance is a native of Flint, MI and a published Information Systems Security and Health Informatics Practitioner-Scholar with 35+ years of senior level experience across several industries. Aside from being the President and CEO for YOUR Center, he serves as a(n): (a) CCTE Cybersecurity Teacher for Shelby County Schools; (b) Coordinator for Terminix’s Virtual Summer IT Internship for High School Juniors, Seniors, and Teachers; and (c) co-chair for the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity K-12 Community of Interest. Terrance is a proud husband and father that enjoys martial arts and playing video games.
Rita Doerr -
Cyber Instructor at NSA National Cryptologic School's College of Cyber
Dr. Rita Doerr has been employed as a Computer Scientist with the National Security Agency for over 36 years. She is currently a Cyber Instructor within NSA's National Cryptologic School's College of Cyber. As such, Dr. Doerr is completing a 3+-year technical development program focusing on cybersecurity education and training in NSA's Office of Academic Engagement.
Janet Hartkopf - Cyber Program Director at Chandler Unified School District (AZ)
Janet currently promotes and oversees the cybersecurity program for the Chandler Unified School District. She has served on committees to establish educational standards in both computer science and cybersecurity. She has also taught computer science and cybersecurity for over 10 years for Junior High through High School.
Sevada Isayan - Business, and IT/Cyber Security Instructor at Clark Magnet High School (CA)
Management and Technology professional with over 13 years of experience in directing; planning and training organization wide technology systems, 7 years of experience consulting, and 8 years of experience teaching at Community Colleges and Universities.
Eric Iversen -
VP for Learning and Communications at Start Engineering
Eric Iversen has worked in education for over 25 years, as a teacher, publisher, administrator, and author. At Start Engineering, he develops and produces learning content in digital and print media about educational and career pathways in STEM careers, with a focus on engineering and cybersecurity. He is in charge of digital marketing, communications, and social media; he speaks publicly about STEM education topics at live events and on broadcast media; and he conducts independent and collaborative projects on STEM learning and career activities in formal and informal K-12 learning environments.
Amanda Lee Keammerer -
Chief Executive Officer at
Javilud LLC
Amanda is the Chief Executive Officer of Javilud, transforming innovation at the intersection of technology, people, politics, and art through creative collaborations, signature events, and consulting services. She has been instrumental, alongside iKeepSafe, in the development and organization of the National Cyber Signing Day event that takes place during the NICE K12 Conference
Previously, Amanda was the vice president of cybersecurity and director of CyberSecurity San Antonio at the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce.
Amber Lindsay -
President and CEO at iKeepSafe
Amber has an extensive portfolio of strategic work with corporate partners, schools, and organizations to develop nationwide initiatives, launch national prevention programs, and design best practices for youth protection and privacy.
Prior to working at iKeepSafe, Amber served as the Manager of Marketing and Outreach for the NetSmartz Workshop, a program for The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, and at The Constitution Project. Amber holds a B.A. in Communications with an emphasis in Public Relations.
Mark Loepker - Education Director at National Cryptologic Museum Foundation
Mr. Loepker serves as the Education Program Director to the National Cryptologic Museum Foundation, focused on developing cybersecurity educational programs. In this role, he focuses on ensuring that K-12/STEM initiatives are tightly aligned with national cyber curriculum standards, and that the NCMF becomes a national resource addressing workforce development and operational training requirements.
Kevin Nolten - Director of Academic Outreach at CYBER.ORG
Kevin directs CYBER.ORG’s programmatic outreach efforts and partnerships. With a background in K-12 administration, Kevin finds special meaning in cyber education and the impact it has directly on student’s futures. He keeps the laughter and the passion for cyber education burning bright at CYBER.ORG.
Davina Pruitt-Mentle -
Lead for Academic Engagement
Dr. Davina Pruitt-Mentle serves as Lead for Academic Engagement of the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
John Quinn -
Teacher at Chicago Public Schools (IL)
I am the CISCO Networking Instructor for the Chicago Public Schools. My main interest is in Cybersecurity. It is an exciting field to be part of. It is constantly changing and our students are very committed to being successful as future Cybersecurity Engineers. I am proud to be associated with NICE K12.
Felicia Rateliff -
Director of Operations and Programs at iKeepSafe
As part of iKeepSafe, the NICE K12 Cybersecurity Education Conference host organization, Felicia Rateliff is currently in her fifth year serving as the Conference’s chief organizer. Felicia has an extensive background in project management, marketing, design, technology and education. Prior to working with iKeepSafe she served as US Marketing Director for an education technology company and a Senior Marketing Director for a PR company focused on space technology representing NASA. Before that, for 8 years, she served as an 11-12th grade CTE teacher of graphic design, illustration, printing, and sign-making. She is a huge proponent of Career and Technical Education, and a Yoga Alliance certified yoga instructor.
David Raymond - Director at Virginia Cyber Range / Virginia Tech
Dr. David Raymond is Director of the Virginia Cyber Range, a state-wide resource that provides infrastructure and courseware for hands-on cybersecurity education in Virginia high schools and colleges. He is also Director of the U.S. Cyber Range, providing similar services nation-wide. David teaches cybersecurity classes in Virginia Tech’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Kristi Rice - Teacher at Spotsylvania High School (VA)
Kristi Rice is in her sixth year of teaching at Spotsylvania High School. She is involved in the development of the Cybersecurity Curriculum for Spotsylvania County Public Schools. She also serves as the Vice Chair for the Virginia Cyber Range K12 Advisory Board and also as the Northern Neck Region Representative. She is also a member of the American Cyber League with the Quantico Cyber Hub.
Tamara Shoemaker - Director, Center for Cyber Sec & Intel Studies at University of Detroit Mercy
Tamara Shoemaker serves as the director of the University of Detroit Mercy's Center for Cyber Security & Intelligence Studies (CCSIS). Her primary mission is to address the critical shortage of specifically educated and trained Cyber Security professionals. She has developed a statewide CyberPatriot program, providing teacher support, training, summer camps, digital badging and a yearly “Hometown Hero” celebration for state level champions.
Tim Taylor - VP, Security Outreach and Research at Mastercard
I lead our Security Awareness and Cyber Range programs at Mastercard. We provide Security Awareness education to all Mastercard staff globally. Our cyber range is focused on providing security training and upskilling opportunities to keep our security personnel at an industry best level.
Jay Welk -
District Career and Technical Education Director at Davis School District (UT)
Davis District is the second largest district in Utah with an approximate K12 enrollment of 72,000 students. The ten high schools in the district offer a full menu of courses in all Career and Technical Education pathways.
Deanne Wesley - ISSA Fellow
Director Cybersecurity, Computer Information Systems Department at
North Carolina Central University
Dr. Deanne Cranford-Wesley is the Director of the Cybersecurity at North Carolina Central University (NCCU); there she continues to oversee initiatives with the cybersecurity ecosystem, internal and external partners and in the innovative cybersecurity lab at NCCU. She is the former Associate Dean of the Davis iTEC/Cyber Security Center at Forsyth Technical Community College where she directed the Center of Academic Excellence program designated by the National Security Agency. Dr. Cranford- Wesley is currently a member of the Executive Board for the NC TECH Association as well as member of the Executive Board for the Colloquium of Information System Security.
Tania Williams -
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Tania Williams works for The University of Alabama in Huntsville's Center for Cybersecurity Research and Education where she develops cybersecurity-related content for camps and nationally recognized curriculum development efforts. She is a former K12 educator and holds a Master of Cybersecurity from UAH and a current Security+ certification. She has an Education Specialist Degree in Teacher Leader, and she is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Information Systems from Dakota State University.
Amber Williamson - TEALSK12
Amber has been a volunteer for the TEALSK12 program in the Atlanta, Georgia metropolitan area since 2017. Amber holds Masters of Science in Network Communications Management and Information Systems Management from Keller Graduate School of Management of DeVry University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Cybersecurity from Marymount University.
Donna Woods - Cyber Academic Pathway Instructor at Moreno Valley Unified School District (CA)
Donna is thoroughly dedicated to the national mission and vision of NICEK12. She enjoys collaborating with educators and industry leaders across the nation sharing best practices and resources to ensure equitable access for all students desiring to learn about and pursue careers in cybersecurity. Distinguished honors include: Riverside County Teacher of the Year; Model of Academic Excellence & Innovation; State Assembly 61st District Women of Distinction; and the 2020 Inaugural Presidential Cybersecurity Educator of the Year.
If you are interested in serving on the 2021 NICE K12 Planning Committee please email us: