Day 1
October 6, 2016
Click on the blue links for session & speaker details.
8:30am |
Registration Opens / RefreshmentsSalon D |
9:00-9:20am |
Welcome / Opening RemarksSalon D |
9:20-9:50am |
Opening KeynoteSalon D |
9:50-10:00am |
Break / ExhibitsSalon D |
Session 1 10:00-10:50am |
Accelerate Learning Salon D |
Career Development Salon E1 |
Educational Programs Salon E2 |
10:50-11:00am |
Break / ExhibitsSalon D |
Session 2 11:00-12:00pm |
Accelerate Learning Salon E1 |
Skills Development Salon E2 |
Diverse Learning Community Salon F1 |
Career Development Salon D |
Educational Programs Salon F2 |
12:00-12:45pm |
Lunch / ExhibitsSalon D |
12:45-1:30pm |
KeynoteSalon D |
1:30-1:40pm |
Break / ExhibitsSalon D |
Session 3 1:40-2:30pm |
Accelerate Learning Salon E |
Skills Development Salon D |
Diverse Learning Community Salon F1 |
Educational Programs Salon F2 |
2:30-2:40pm |
Break / ExhibitsSalon D |
Session 4 2:40-3:30pm |
Accelerate Learning Salon E1 |
Skills Development Salon E2 |
Diverse Learning Community Salon F1 |
Career Development Salon F2 |
Educational Programs Salon D |
3:30-3:40pm |
Break / ExhibitsSalon D |
Workshop Sessions 3:40-5:10pm |
Accelerate Learning Salon E |
Skills Development Salon D |
Career Development Salon F1 |
Educational Programs Salon F2 |
5:10-5:20pm |
Break / ExhibitsSalon D |
5:20-5:45pm |
KeynoteSalon D |
Session & Speaker Details
Welcome / Opening Remarks
Salon D
Marsali Hancock, President/CEO, iKeepSafe
Rodney Petersen, Director, the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE)
Dr. Davina Pruitt-Mentle, Lead for Academic Engagement, NICE
Opening Keynote
Salon D
Gregory Shannon, Ph.D,
Assistant Director for Cybersecurity Strategy, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, National Security & International Affairs
Session 1: 10:00-10:50am
Accelerate Learning: What Does Cybersecurity Education Look Like from the State Department of Education Perspective? Download presentation here.
Salon D
Representatives from State Departments of Education and other organizations will discuss how the Cybersecurity Education initiative was begun and how it is progressing in several individual states. Following the panel presentations, time will be allotted for questions from the audience.
Anthony Owen, Coordinator of Computer Science, Arkansas Department of Education (ADE)Judith Sams, Program Specialist, Virginia Department of Education
Moderator: Carlos Garcia, Instructor, Cyber Security & Digital Forensics, Ingham Intermediate School District
Career Development: CTE Models
Salon E1
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs across the country are rapidly developing new programs of study to provide learners with courses and instruction to prepare them for work in the Cybersecurity field. Learn about new models that transit across various career clusters. Download presentation here.
Moderator: Albert Palacios, Education Policy Analyst, U.S. Department of EducationDebra A. Nakama , PhD, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, University of Hawaiʻi Maui College
Michael Connet, Senior Director, Outreach and Partner Development at Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)
Jason Kahler, Information Technology Department Chair, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Brian Taylor, Information Technology Department Chair, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Educational Programs: Cybersecurity and Computer Science Synergy
Salon E2
The panel will discuss collaboration opportunities for National Security and CS for All. These opportunities provide ways to integrate cybersecurity into computer science K-12 curricula and extra-curricula programs across the country. Download presentation here.
Deborah Seehorn, Curriculum and Certification Committee Chair, Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)Mark R. Nelson, Executive Director, Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
Session 2: 11:00-12:00pm
Accelerate Learning: Regional Efforts
Salon E1
This session discusses regional efforts to improve cybersecurity education in K12 programs. Collaboration between local higher education institutions, the community at large, and secondary schools in Alabama and California are provided as examples of successful efforts. The panel will include cooperative activities supported by the National GenCyber program, local industrially supported initiatives, assistance provided by the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE), and a novel College Academy program. Download presentation here.
Kathleen Steele, Ed.D, Curriculum Design - Professional Development, San Bernardino County Superintendent of SchoolsRay B. Vaughn, Vice President for Research and Economic Development, the University of Alabama in Huntsville
Skills Development: National K-12 Computer Science Framework + Cybersecurity
Salon E2
Have you heard about the K-12 CS Framework? The Association for Computing Machinery, Code.org, Computer Science Teachers Association, Cyber Innovation Center, and National Math and Science Initiative have partnered with more than 100 members of the computing community (higher ed faculty, researchers, and K-12 teachers), 14 states, school districts, technology companies, and other organizations to steer a process to develop a framework of concepts and practices in computer science to empower all K-12 students. Come hear about the framework's vision, purpose, development, and content. You'll also learn about how the fundamentals of cybersecurity education will be learned by all students within the larger context of computer science. Download presentation here.
Pat Yongpradit, Chief Academic Officer, Code.orgDiverse Learning Community: CybHER: Engaging girls in 21st century cyber technologies
Salon F1
Cyber Warrior Princess was started a non-profit to teach middle and high school girls cybersecurity skills. With the shortage of females in cybersecurity I decided to do something. Cyber Warrior Princess was started! We focus on teaching the critical skills that girls bring to cybersecurity; creativity, analytical abilities, team focus and dedication. We will provide information on our current pilot program we have with the Dayton Regional STEM School (DRSS) and how others can start a group at their own school. Download presentation here.
Rebecca Onuskanich, Founder, Cyber Warrior PrincessCareer Development: NSA Day of Cyber” Educational Resources to Inspire a Future Generation of Cyber Professionals
Salon D
This session will provide resources to help infuse cybersecurity education into your classroom and education initiatives, including the NSA Day of Cyber, the Cyber Teacher Certificate Program, cyber competitions, NICE, and other programs that contribute to cyber education pathway development.
Christopher Olexia, Chief, NSA External Recruiting & Hiring; NSA External Recruiting & HiringSteve Morrill, Director of Technology, Loyola Blakefield
Mark Nelson, Executive Director, Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
Rick Geritz, CEO & Founder, LifeJourney
Educational Programs: National Cyber League
Salon F2
This session will give an overview of the NCL competition, how it can be integrated into the classroom and why it's an important part of student success. A short demo will be included for both the Cyber Gym and 2015 Stadium.
M. Zach Lawrence, Assistant Professor, Information & Engineering Technology Department, Prince George's Community CollegeSCROLL TO TOP
Salon D
On Preparing Your Students For Whatever Comes Next
At a time when technological advances occur at dizzying speed, one might wonder how an educator can best prepare students to solve problems in future systems. Drawing from a rich set of life and professional experiences, a security engineer addresses what sorts of lessons matter most. She will also explore why securing and protecting users of information technology will remain both a critical issue and a viable profession. Download presentation here.
Rebecca Gurley Bace, Chief Strategist, Center for Forensics, Information Technology and Security (CFITS) at the University of South Alabama; President/CEO, Infidel, Inc.Session 3: 1:40-2:30pm
Accelerate Learning: Early College Programs
Salon E
The Cybersecurity Early College Program is a collaboration between Howard County Public Schools and Howard Community College. This session will spotlight some of the unique elements incorporated into this initiative that set students up for success from the classroom to the workplace and beyond.
LaRee Siddiqui, Educator and Community Liaison, Early College Program in Cybersecurity, Howard County Public Schools, Applications and Research LabSkills Development: Using the NICE Challenge Project in High School Education
Salon D
The NICE Challenge project (nice-challenge.com) is a hands-on real world emulation focusing on the tasks listed in the NICE Workforce Framework. This session will demonstrate the NICE Challenge project and discus how it can be used in high school classrooms.
Dr. Vincent Nestler, Assistant Director and Professor, Cybersecurity Center, Department of Information and Decision Sciences at California State University, San BernardinoDiverse Learning Community: Women in Cyber: Why is Easy/How is it hard!
Salon F1
Why do we need more women in Cyber, and what are the challenges and opportunities to change these numbers? Download presentation here.
Dr. Ambareen Siraj, Associate Professor, Computer Science Department; Tennessee Tech Director, Cybersecurity Education Research and Outreach Center; WiCyS Founder and ChairEducational Programs: Cyber Interstate: Creating our Nation's Future Cybersecurity Workforce
Salon F2
The Cyber Innovation Center has developed a robust library of cyber curricula that not only develops fundamental skills in students, but also incorporates career awareness and overall cyber citizenship. These programs empower teachers to transform their classrooms and increase student engagement.
Kevin Nolten, M.B.A. Deputy Director, National Integrated Cyber Education Research Center, Cyber Innovation CenterSCROLL TO TOP
Session 4: 2:40-3:30pm
Accelerate Learning: Articulating Challenges and Solutions
Salon E1
A discussion of articulation issues and challenges. Student panelists will join to discuss their personal experiences. Download presentation here.
Margaret Leary, Chair & Cybersecurity Director, Curriculum, National Cyberwatch Center at Northern Virginia Community CollegeSkills Development: Security Injections@Towson - Cool Cybersecurity Modules - No Grading Required
Salon E2
The Security Injections@Towson project (towson.edu/securityinjections) includes over 40 cybersecurity modules that have been used by thousands of students. The modules are a practical and effective way to incorporate secure coding principles throughout the undergraduate computing curricula. Download presentation here.
Sidd Kaza, Associate Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, Towson UniversityBlair Taylor, Clinical Associate Professor, Computer and Information Sciences, Towson University
Diverse Learning Community: Recruitment, Retention & Diversity
Salon F1
The University of Hawaii Maui College is investigating how to increase the number of women and minority high school students in cybersecurity. The presentation objectives are to: (1) discuss the initial findings of the study on early-admit high school students receiving college cybersecurity education; (2) share intervention strategies to strengthen equity and excellence in recruitment, retention and diversity; and (3) seek feedback from the audience who are conducting similar research. Download presentation here.
Debra A. Nakama, PhD, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, University of Hawaiʻi Maui CollegeCareer Development: Academic and Career Pathways
Salon F2
Aligning education with the needs of employers helps ensure that is what is gained in classroom can be applied in the workplace. This session will explore how rigorous cybersecurity programs of study in high school can align with the NICE framework and postsecondary Centers of Academic Excellence while providing foundational courses, concurrent enrollment opportunities, and industry-valued credentials for students.
Albert Palacios, Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of EducationEducational Programs: STEM-Cyber Programming – A Successful Public/Private Collaboration
Salon D
The Navy Next Generation Outreach and Recruitment Initiative (AGORA) project is aimed at strengthening the STEM and cybersecurity workforce pipeline by engaging, and educating the next generation of scientists and engineers in hands-on, research-based learning experiences that employ critical thinking teaching methods to include problem-based strategies, project-based learning, collaborative learning, and multi-sensory instruction. Download presentation here.
John Martellero, Co-Founder and CTO, STEMBoardJarvis Sulcer, Director of Education, STEMBoard
Dr. Brian Kent, Executive Director , Center for Defense and Homeland Security (CDHS) at Fayetteville State University; Co-Founder and President, K3 Enterprises, Inc
Workshop Sessions: 3:40-5:10pm
Accelerate Learning: Cybersecurity and Computer Science Synergy
Salon E
Topics include the value of a comprehensive cyber education program, including age-appropriate instruction at the elementary school level and competitions at the middle school and high school levels, how this comprehensive approach helps develop the talent pipeline, and industry engagement. Download presentation here.
Dan Manson, Professor and Department Chair for Computer Information Systems, Cal Poly PomonaDiane Miller, Director, InfoSec Operations and Cyber Initiatives, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Skills Development: Hacker High School
Salon D
An introduction to teaching teens about the profession of cybersecurity through Hacker Highschool. Our twenty-two lessons include original material, demonstrations, exercises, testable segments, Fed Your Head, Game On, teacher segments, live labs, bootable Linux CD and head to head challenges. Download presentation here
Bob Monroe, Researcher/Writer/Instructor, Hacker High SchoolCareer Development: Hour of Code
Salon F1
The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching millions of students. Online tutorials require minimal prep-time and students work at their own pace. Offline activities are engaging for a wide audience to learn about computational thinking. Anyone, anywhere can organize an Hour of Code event. Download presentation here.
Melody Stahl, Computer Science Teacher, Charles County Public SchoolsEducational Programs: GenCyber: Building the Cyber Workforce of Tomorrow
Salon F2
This session will provide an introduction to the GenCyber program, a jointly sponsored program between the National Security Agency (NSA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) focused on building the future cybersecurity workforce needed by the U.S. The GenCyber program operates by providing grants to colleges, universities and non-profit educational institutions to conduct summer camps for K-12 students and/or teachers in cybersecurity. Past Camp Directors will provide examples of activities performed at their camps, and the GenCyber Program Manager will provide insight into expectations of GenCyber camps, types of camps that are encouraged, and planning for the 2017 GenCyber year, to include schedule for the Call for Proposals and the awarding of grants. Other resources will be described, and the future vision for the GenCyber program will be shared.
Steve LaFountain, Chief, College of Cyber, National Cryptologic School, National Security AgencyKeynote
Salon D
It goes without saying that cybersecurity is a critical concern for our safety and security. Perhaps there is no better evidence of this assertion than that cybersecurity has risen to become a regular staple for agendas when heads of state convene, not unlike the emergence of nuclear weapons for the previous generation. The issue has moved beyond one of awareness. Indeed, global spending on cybersecurity is on the order of hundreds of billions of US$ per annum. But are such resources well spent? What results are we seeing? Is there relief, or some other desirable goal in sight? Are we going about this in an optimum way? What is the role for the foundational K-12 formative educational years to play in addressing this present and future challenge? This keynote will address these and other important questions from the unique perspective of an internationally recognized expert who has served in the trenches of advancing ultra-high reliable and secure technology for more than three decades. Download presentation here.
Rick Krock Fellow, The Institute for Fundamental Cyber Security